Exemplar 3: ePortfolio to support access and transition from Schools into HE.
Institution: The University of Bradford and 3 Local Sixth forms (part of a JISC funded project - Enhancing Learner Development (ELP - www.elp.ac.uk)).
e-Portfolio context: The University of Bradford is committed to widening participation in Higher Education, particularly targeting pupils from local schools through the Bradford University Academy Compact Scheme ( http://www.brad.ac.uk/compact/). Using an e-portfolio allows the University to locate some compact activities in schools and combine and blend these with activities at the University. The case study involved 65 sixth form students in 2005 enrolled on a 5 credit foundation level module at the University in which they completed an electronic portfolio to encourage them to think about entering higher education and to support them in the process. On successful completion of the module, learners gain 15 UCAS points towards an offer at the University of Bradford.
Dates of provision: 2005-2006.
Reason for implementation: Widening participation in higher education, Enhancing learner progression from school to university.
Purpose/s: Supporting application and progression into higher education. Raising the aspirations and achievements of young people and encouraging their progression into higher education.
Learning processes involved: Research to find out about the Universities they are interested in, the courses they offer and the potential career paths available, evidence and reflection on any experiences they have had that might be relevant to their application, a skills audit to identify gaps in their current abilities, an action plan on how they would go about improving their knowledge and skills to achieve those identified for their chosen university and course.
Practice Fully developed. This was part of the JISC ELP project but did not become embedded in the University beyond the life of the ELP projects.
Key staff involved: Neil Currant (Now at University of Salford).
Link to example
Link to report, containing transcript of contents of a Webfolio http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/case-studies/e-portfolios/bradford/elpcs1.pdf
Further information and other examples supporting Progression into Higher Education can be found at http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/case-studies/e-portfolios/bradford/resources
Related Bradford use cases
10. Summer Compact Scheme.
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