The use of portfolios to support students completing NVQs
Institution: Thanet College
e-Portfolio context: Mapping portfolios are one of four types being used at Thanet to support learning. We take the view that in the breadth of ability in an FE college student population it is impossible to standardise a personal learning space. Mapping portfolios are specifically designed to support the collection and mapping of evidence to performance criteria for the purposes of completing the administrative burden of gaining an NVQ. We plan to use 430 this academic year 2010 -11 and have committed 400 so far to use.
Dates of provision: Piloted 40 in 2009 in Catering and Care courses. Committed to 430 in 2010 to include Beauty, Hairdressing and Fitness courses.
Reason for implementation: To reduce the administrative burden of collecting evidence that has been paper based in lever arch folders. The time taken to complete the NVQ should reduce by 25%, giving more time to teaching and practice. Easier to involve industry based employers in the tracking and progress of employers.
Purpose/s: Mapping portfolios allow the mapping of evidence adduced to the criteria of the course that must be demonstrated. They allow this to occur with the convenience of web-based access to the process and subsequent publication of abilities to prospective or current employees.
Learning processes involved: Learning essentially occurs prior to using the portfolio. The portfolio is used as a method of demonstrating achievement after the event. There is little scope for reflective thinking and writing.
Practice: Developing but to a level of high confidence in their effectiveness. Training of staff has been extensive.
Key staff involved: College Manager for e-learning, Subject tutors. Divisional managers in finding.
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