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Exemplar of use 1 - Auckland

Page history last edited by Jacquie Kelly 12 years, 7 months ago


An overview of use



Exemplar 1

Institution: Auckland University - Faculty of education


e-Portfolio context: The e-portfolio has been integrated into the assessment requirements for the 14 week teaching practicum of student teachers. Guidelines (see below) have been provided to student teachers what information and artifacts to include in their e-portfolio (blog) and how to link the information effectviely. Asssessment is an oral presentation at the end of the practicum using one artefacts collected within MyPortfolio to demonstrate achievement of teaching standards. An asynchronous peer review process occurs before the assessed presentation.


Dates of provision: 2007 onwards


Reason for implementation:


Purpose/s: Work Based Learning, Employability/ Graduate attributes, Assessment, Lifelong Learning
Learning processes involved: Information capture, Information retrieval, Planning, Reflection, Feedback, Collaboration, Presentation


Practice: fully developed

Key staff involved:
Brian Marsh: Senior Lecturer, Teacher Education Practice



Eportfolio use Guidelines for students


Presentation to Students outlining effective use of ePortfolios in the context for the practicum


Extract from the Student Handbook for the Practicum 2010 - section on developing ePortfolio:




Practicum documentation is a significant responsibility. The fifth learning outcome for Edprac 608 requires:

“Demonstrate how their learning and practice meets New Zealand Teachers’ Council Graduating Teacher Standards.


A practicum FILE of information is required for each of your practicum experiences. Each file relates to the particular practicum. Material from your file will contribute to the buillding of your professional portfolio over the whole year.


Your professional E-PORTFOLIO will act as a repository for the many files of resources, lesson and unit plans you will create while on practicum, as well as a journal or blog, recording your reactions and thoughts about practicum incidents, events and dilemmas that are significant to you.


Your practicum FILE will contain organised information about your school, its policies and procedures, possibly school prospectus/magazine, plus any other material you might collect which is relevant to your time at the school.

In addition to school materials/information, your Practicum 1 [608a] and 2 [608b] files will contain:

(a) a teaching log to record your activity in and around the school

(b) a number of documented lesson observations which you have made of each of the classes on your timetable

(c) full lesson plans prepared by you to teach to classes on your timetable

(d) your own evaluations of each lesson you have taught

(e) formative observation sheets (at least three) written by your associate teacher[s] providing feedback on lessons you have taught

It is suggested that you divide up your practicum file with the following headings:










and [for some] TEACHING SUBJECT “Z”

The teaching subject sections could be further divided by class/level.


Reflective writing for the Portfolio – blogging

Record your reactions and thoughts about practicum incidents, events and dilemmas that are significant to you in the form of a BLOG available in MyPortfolio. This does not have to be a daily diary where you are scratching your head to think of something to say. The incidents do not have to be earth-shattering or of great importance; they just have to be significant to you in some way.


It is envisaged that you will probably have six to eight entries in total, including your response to the compulsory entry described below. You may have several entries in one day, especially at the beginning of practicum where you will be exposed to so many new things.


It is important that you jot down some thoughts - you will be amazed at how quickly you forget your initial reactions, especially when you are immersed in the hurly burly of school life. You may wish to take digital photographs or make audio recordings as a prompt for your thoughts.


Compulsory reflective entry in your blog to be completed during practicum 1A:

  • What has surprised me during my time in this school?

  • In what ways is this practicum experience different from my own secondary experiences?

  • In what ways is this practicum experience similar to my own secondary experiences?

  • How have my ideas and beliefs about teaching and learning been:

    1. challenged?

    2. affirmed?"




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