Exemplar of use 1 - University of Edinburgh


An overview of use


An overview of use - 

All Nursing Studies students are introduced to the e-portfolio tool (PebblePad). e-Portfolios are seen as collections of digital resources that provide evidence of an individual’s progress and achievements, drawn from both formal and informal learning activities, that are personally managed and owned by the learner that can be used for review, reflection and personal development planning, that can be selectively accessed by other interested parties e.g. teachers, peers, assessors, awarding bodies, prospective employers.


The MSc in Advancing Nursing Practice students are able to submit an e-portfolio instead of a dissertation to demonstrate research awareness, understanding and application of theory, critical analysis, self reflection and evaluation and the production of learning materials.


Exemplar  1

Institution: e-Portfolio context:   Nursing Studies - Masters Level

Paper-based portfolios of professional evidence and professional growth are something that all nursing students have to complete. Therefore it is much more natural to introduce them to digital portfolios. This allows students to create much richer and more flexible portfolios that can be easily shared and progressively updated/expanded. The MSc in Advancing Nursing Practice students are able to submit an e-portfolio instead of a dissertation.


Dates of provision: since 2009


Reason for implementation: Allowing the MSc students to submit an e-portfolio instead of a dissertation. At the moment all nursing students use the e-portfolio system (PebblePad) as an assignment collection tool. 


Purpose/s: Personal Development Planning, Continuing Professional Development of Staff, Transition to/from the institution, Work Based Learning, Employability/Graduate attributes, Assessment, Lifelong Learning  


Learning processes involved:  Information capture, Information retrieval, Planning, Reflection, Feedback, Collaboration, Presentation


Practice: fully developed


Key staff involved: 

Contact 1.
Name: Dr Anne Robertson

Email: anne.robertson@ed.ac.uk

Position: Programme Director

Role in e-portfolio implementation: Programme Director with a very good understanding of how digital technology (e-portfolios) can improve reflection, feedback, collaboration and presentation. 





Example 1 The e-Portfolio (60 credits)

Student A has an interest in diabetic education for young people. The portfolio consists of the following elements organised as numbered files:

1. The rationale, learning contract  (500-750).

1. A podcast on diabetic education for young people created by the student.

2. A transcript of the podcast (All podcasts must have a transcript to ensure that the material is accessible)

3. An information leaflet designed by the student.

4. A paper on the critical analysis of using podcasts and leaflets for health education purposes with reference to literature (4000-4500)

5. A paper on the process of how the materials could be evaluated, demonstrating application of research theory knowledge (3000-4000)

6. A reflective account of the process, using a model of reflection, on producing the materials. The self evaluation of  learning outcomes with reference to discussion in action learning classes and peers comments (1000-1500)

7. This portfolio demonstrates - research awareness, understanding and application of theory, critical analysis, self reflection and evaluation and the production of learning materials.

8. In the marking of the portfolio the university marking guidelines are used. Referencing, language and critical analysis conventions must be followed.


Example 2 The e-Portfolio (20 credits)

Student B has an interest in wound care for the elderly following trauma. The portfolio is organised as a concept map:

1. The rationale, learning contract (500-750)

1. A literature search on wound care for the elderly following trauma with critical analysis (1500-2000)

2. A description of current practice in own work place (500-750)

3. The production of a guide for staff

4. A reflective account of the process, using a model of reflection, on producing the materials and how the literature helped inform the guidelines.The self-evaluation of learning outcomes with reference to discussion in action learning classes and peers comments (1000-1500)

This portfolio demonstrates - research awareness, understanding and application of theory, critical analysis, self reflection and evaluation and the production of learning materials