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An overview of use - Southampton Solent University

Page history last edited by Jacquie Kelly 12 years, 7 months ago



Summary Case study Home Page An overview of use The implementation journey 



Table 1: Exemplars of e-portfolio use (White= no evidence found, green = developing practice, blue = effective practice).


Intra course - localised use

Inter/ whole course –> cross dept/ school/ faculty use

Cross institution

Extra- curricular


Group project work: online private space for collaboration and group assessment in School of Computing

Exemplar 2


 Reflective journal for assessment in Environment and Geography, Lifestyle Project:

Exemplar 3



Assessment, CV building and self-promotion: core module, Journalism Portfolios  Exemplar 1




Collation of employability skills: Solent Employability Awareness scheme

Exemplar 4


Table 1 provides an overview of implementation and links to examplars of effective e-portfolio use. Effective use was judged using the ePI framework.


This is just a small part - SSU has recently moved to online submission using Turnitin and therefore this has thrown up issues regarding assessment & feedback via an e-portfolio tool.


It is hoped by the new academic year more examples of ePortfolio use (eg widescale Staff development, work experience logs etc) will become available.


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