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Exemplars taster of e-portfolio use

Page history last edited by Jacquie Kelly 12 years, 6 months ago


This page provides a taster of the exemplars of e-portfolio use that are contained within this wiki. The aim is to provide examples of a wide range of e-portfolio uses from the UK, Australia and New Zealand, rather than signal which are the 'best' examples within the wiki, as all exemplars represent thoughtful practice judged against the ePI framework. It is worth noting that most examples involve a formative feedback process and many involve summative assessment.


Select the links in the table to visit the exemplars

Further Education examples are in italics


 Intra course - localised use

Inter/whole course – cross dept/school/ faculty use

Cross-whole institution use within the curriculum

Extra-curricular use including transitions into and from the institution, WBL and CPD

Supporting assessment  






Reflective journal  

Support for professional practice courses


PDP and employability

ICT skills development 


CV building and self-promotion


Students working in collaborative groups at a distance  

Students with learning difficulties/disabilities

Personal tutoring and guidance


Modules studied by all students  


Tool available to all students for skills audit and PDP


Research students


Progression and Employability

Work-Based learning  




Student award


Collation of employability skills outside the curriculum


Transition into the institution 


Transition from the institution


Staff Professional Development


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