
Exemplar of use 4 - Bradford

Page history last edited by Jacquie Kelly 12 years, 9 months ago


An overview of use


Exemplar 4:   SaPRA – Institutional Self and Personal Reflective Activity Profile Tool.


Institution: University of Bradford, Learner Development Unit.


e-Portfolio context: Initially developed as a paper tool, the SaPRA (skills and personal reflective ability) profiling tool was transferred to the institutional e-portfolio (PebblePad) as soon as it became available – see


SaPRA is designed to help students transfer into higher education. SaPRA involves 4 iterative steps:

  1. an initial skills audit
  2. action planning
  3. development activities
  4. demonstrating skills achieved



The audit tool is available on all modules, courses and to all students at the University of Bradford. It is usually introduced in 1st year/foundation year as part of a study skills or PDP module. Students can also use SaPRA independently. Students can continue to use SaPRA to identify their development needs, plan how they are going to achieve these and record evidence of their achievements throughout their programme of study.


During your time at University, you will be expected to develop a Personal Development Plan (PDP). This isn't as boring as it sounds and will help you to identify how to get the most out of your studies. SaPRA is designed to assist you in this process and by using it in PebblePAD, our e-portfolio software, you can easily track your progress and control who sees this.”


See for a short video, poster and other details.


Dates of provision: 2006 to present.


Reason for implementation: It provides students a structured way to audit their skills on entry to HE and at key points throughout their programme of study and to identify areas that need further development. For staff, PebblePad can produce a spreadsheet from this profile that anonymously summarises the responses from a group of students (at module, course, department or tutor group level) that an inform staff of major and widespread developmental needs.


Purpose/s:  Personal Development Planning, Transition to/from the institution, Employability/Graduate attributes, Lifelong Learning.

Learning processes involved: Information collecting, Information selecting, Planning, Reflection, Feedback, Collaboration.


Practice: fully developed.

Key staff involved: Becka Colley, Dean of Students (formerly Head of LDU) and LDU colleagues (SaPRA development), Neil Currant (PebblePad implementation, now at Salford).


Futher information:

About SaPRA - see


The SaPRA profile in PebblePad:


PowerPoint Presentation on using SaPRA (Current, 2010)


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