Exemplar 13 : Advanced Competency Based Learning in Clinical Practice (HNPP708T).
Institution: University of Bradford, School of Health Studies, Division of Midwifery
e-Portfolio context: The e-portfolio is used on an advanced practitioner module for qualified nursing working in a practice setting to support the delivery of care in extended roles. The module involves a tripartite relationship between the student, the University lecturer and the placement clinical supervisor. A method of recording agreed learning outcomes and achievements needs to be up to date and accessible by all those involved. A blog is used to manage communication between tutor and student.
Dates of provision: 2010 to present.
Reason for implementation: New work-based learning module. Needs a flexible and accessible way to share information, agreed learning outcomes, progress and achievements amongst three parties to learning. It also allows richer and more effective communication between University lecturer and student where placement visits are not feasible due to geographical distance/location or shift patterns. The e-portfolio also facilitated external examiner access.
Purpose/s: Work Based Learning, Employability, Assessment, Lifelong Learning.
Learning processes involved: Information capture, Information retrieval, Planning, Reflection, Feedback, and Presentation.
Practice: in-development.
Key staff involved: Peter O’Donnell.
Link to example:
For further details and links to teaching materials including (portfolio marking criteria, advanced practitioner competency matrix, reflective portfolio, learning blog and external examiner feedback), see http://www.pebblepad.co.uk/bradford/viewasset.aspx?oid=435545&type=formresponse.
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