
exemplar of use 15 - bradford

Page history last edited by Jacquie Kelly 12 years, 10 months ago



An overview of use


Exemplar  15: Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice  (60 credits).


Institution:e-Portfolio context:  The institutional e-portfolio system PebblePad is used to support and assess the University of Bradford’s programme for staff new to lecturing and/or student support in Higher Education. The programme is a work-based learning programme with the aim of helping and enabling participants to develop, conceptualise and reflect upon their everyday work practices. The certificate comprises 3, 20 credit modules at level 7 which are studied part-time and sequentially over a period of 18 months while the participants undertake their normal duties.


Dates of provision: 2009 to present.


Reason for implementation:The PgCHEP was redesigned and revalidated in 2009-10. Part of the ethos of the programme is to develop staff skills and understanding through exemplar practice as well as experiential and inquiry based learning approaches. The course also aims to encourage students to develop a sustainable approach to their CPD through encouraging practices that contribute to effective lifelong learning. All staff and students at Bradford have access to a personal e-portfolio system whilst they are at the University. The use of the e-portfolio system also supports a current development of a distance learning version of the course, the first module of which has already been delivered to staff at an international partner institution in Pakistan.


Purpose/s: Continuing Professional Development of Staff, Work Based Learning, Employability (Probation), Assessment, and Lifelong Learning.


Learning processes involved:  Information capture, Information retrieval, Planning, Reflection, Feedback, and Presentation.


Practice:fully developed.


Key staff involved: Carol Higgison, Peter Hughes and Will Stewart.


Links to example/s   

For further details see



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