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What does good implementation look like

Page history last edited by Gordon 11 years, 9 months ago

What does good implementation look like? 


The e-Portfolio Implementation study  found that successful large-scale implementation across an institution involved five stages.  
The implementation principles (see  How e-portfolios and VLEs differ) need to be considered by both practitioners and managers across each implementation stage.  The e-portfolio implementation model shown in figure 1 illustrates this process. 




Figure 1: The e-portfolio implementation model - the key implementation principles applied across the five stages 


A useful overview of decisions made and the processes involved during the Planning stage are presented in this video from the Southampton Solent University case study.


The e-portfolio implementation model underpins the guidance which contains two sections:


Implementation guidance for practitioners that considers the implementation process from a practitioner perspective, i.e the view of those who are directly engaged with developing, delivering and supporting effective teaching and learning.


Implementation guidance for senior managers that considers the implementation process from a manager's perspective, i.e. the view of those whose role it is to take a broader strategic perspective across the institution as well as those who are responsible for managing the implementation itself.


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