
Additional resources

Page history last edited by David Cornforth 12 years, 10 months ago

Additional resources contains


The Additional resources section offers links to background reading including the ePI study website and the JISC e-portfolios infoKit plus resources from a series of JISC workshops on e-portfolio practice and other dissemination activities.


  • Workshop resources - these were piloted at an epic 2011 conference workshop and are designed to be used with a range of stakeholders to raise awareness of issues and inform the planning stage of large-scale implementation across an institution.
  • ePI study website - provides background to the study that informed the e-portfolio implementations toolkit
  • JISC e-portfolio infoKit - provides extensive information about e-portfolio use within Higher and Further Education and as part of Life-Long and Life-Wide Learning
  • ePI dissemination activities - provides key papers, PowerPoints, reports that were outputs of the project


These can be accessed from the sidebar.

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