Effective Practice with e-Portfolios: Five stories of e-portfolio implementation
Supporting the case studies in this toolkit are five video narratives which capture a flavour of the different approaches to wide-scale implementation strategies in the UK during the period 2008-2011. Background information for each video clip can be found in the relevant case study on the UK case studies page.
The stories told in the video clips explore different purposes for e-portfolios, ranging from personal development planning to the delivery and accreditation of short courses. Those involved in the planning, implementation and subsequent use of e-portfolios recount their experiences in their own words, reflecting the perspectives of senior managers, e-learning coordinators, teaching fellows, technologists and learners.
Each video is available to download either as a Windows®, Media® or QuickTime® formatted files. Transcripts are available for users of screen readers. In addition, each video narrative has supporting notes which capture the full range of points made during filming. To access or play these resources, follow the links provided.
Birmingham City University: Effective Practice with e-Portfolios - Stories of e-portfolio implementation (focus on learning, teaching and assessment)
Birmingham City University notes from filmed interviews
University of Edinburgh: Effective Practice with e-Portfolios - Stories of e-portfolio implementation (focus on procurement, embedding and graduate attributes)
University of Edinburgh notes from filmed interviews
Southampton Solent University: Effective Practice with e-Portfolios - Stories of e-portfolio implementation (focus on careers and student employability)
Southampton Solent University notes from filmed interviews
Thanet College: Effective Practice with e-Portfolios - Stories of e-portfolio implementation (focus on continuing professional development and personalisation)
Thanet College notes from filmed interviews
University of Wolverhampton: Effective Practice with e-Portfolios - Stories of e-portfolio implementation (focus on PDP and short course delivery)
University of Wolverhampton notes from filmed interviews
These works have been issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 2.0 UK: England and Wales licence. They may be used within your institution for non-commercial educational purposes provided that the source is acknowledged and does not infringe the rights of any third party. Copyright resides with HEFCE on behalf of JISC.
Related resources
e-Portfolio implementation and use at Birmingham City University
e-Portfolio implementation and use at the University of Edinburgh
e-Portfolio implementation and use at Southampton Solent University
e-Portfolio implementation and use at Thanet College
e-Portfolio implementation and use at the University of Wolverhampton
Crossing the threshold: Moving e-portfolios into the mainstream (JISC: due summer 2012)
Effective Practice with e-Portfolios (JISC 2008)
e-Portfolios infoKit (JISC 2008)
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