Exemplar 1: School of Medicine's Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine, University of Nottingham
e-Portfolio context: Moving from paper to an electronic portfolio
The Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) course is a fast-track programme designed to widen access to medical careers for graduates. The first 18 months of the course includes Problem-Based Learning to explore relevant learning topics amongst other teaching methods. At the end of the first year and at its completion, students are required to produce a paper-based portfolio submitted in an A4 ring binder file (containing, amongst other things, course work, mark sheets, certificates, reflections on GP visits and cases) alongside other assessments. This pilot is trialling the move to an e-portfolio.
Dates of provision: From October 2013
Reason for implementation: The GEM course leaders would like to modernise the portfolio development in line with electronic based systems used in the NHS and by relevant professional bodies as well as to reduce paper and administration to some degree. A further goal is the desire for increased formative engagement by University staff and encouraging more timely reflections from students.
To build and submit portfolios for assessment.
Learning processes involved: Information handling, reflection, feedback, assessment
Practice: Students will set up a template for their online portfolio using Mahara and will store and upload the materials as required into the portfolio throughout the 18 months. They will use the Secret URL function in Mahara to provide an easy view for their personal tutors to see and comment on the portfolios if necessary. The portfolios will be submitted for assessment in Mahara where they will be marked by a team of up to six people. Students will be encouraged to use other aspects of Mahara to support their ongoing professional development as they move into the next phase of their course.
Key staff involved: Dr Sharon Conroy and Mrs Jennifer West
Dr Sharon Conroy is Head of the Personal and Professional Development modules for the Graduate Entry Medicine course of the School of Medicine based on the Derby campus. Currently students are required to put together a paper-based portfolio of coursework, certificates and examples of reflective practice as part of their course progression and in preparation for continuing professional development and revalidation on qualification. The paper-based system is physically cumbersome and bears no comparison to the electronic based systems used in professional practice in the NHS. Sharon heard about Mahara through a colleague who is trialling it for the undergraduate medicine course and welcomes the opportunity to take this forward for the GEM students.
Mrs Jennifer West is a Lecturer/Problem-Based-Learning Facilitator on the Graduate Entry Medical Course at the Nottingham School of Medicine in Derby. She has been involved in supporting and working with students on their portfolios for the past ten years. The document itself is a large, ring-bound folder containing evidence of personal, professional and academic development with a focus on reflection and indicators for future practice. Completion of all components is a summative requirement for progression on the course. The portfolio foregrounds professionalism and safe practice and is meant to prepare students for their continuing professional development and revalidation as doctors. The current paper-based system, although of value, is now rather outdated and unwieldy and is not continued by students in its present form after 18 months. In order for its usefulness to be sustained, students need a system that is both easily accessible and fit for purpose. It therefore seems sensible to jointly trial an electronic portfolio system, such as Mahara, alongside the Undergraduate Medical Course in Nottingham.
See also the Medical and Health Sciences Undergraduate use of e-portfolios
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