Social Work - Supporting placements
Centre for Social Work , University of Nottingham
e-Portfolio context: To support a student centred approach to placement learning for the 80 students per year in the 3 year BA, 2 year BA and 2 year MA in Social Work.
Dates of provision: From February 2014
Reason for implementation: To improve efficiency and effectiveness of the current paper based placement assessment process that supports employability through the development of professional capabilities.
Purpose/s: To support personal development planning and recording and assessment of professional capabilities over the placements on the course. For both courses this is an 80 and a 90 day placement in the final 2 years.
Learning processes involved: Information handling, presentation, reflection, feedback
Practice: Each student is assigned an academic tutor and practice educator. The students negotiate their placement activities with the practice educator at the start and key documents / reports are completed during and at end of placement and submitted to the placement administrator. The introduction of an e-portfolio is intended to allow for a re-engineering of the whole process. The intention is to identify what is of value to the student in the learning process, such as the face to face meetings with the practice educator, and develop the e-portfolio activities to support this. There will be potential for peer interaction and this will be explored. A mind map to support the developing practive can be viewed here.
Key staff involved: Kathryn Moss (Administrator), Kate Morris (Director Centre for Social Work), Pauline McCoy (Senior Tutor)
The Centre for Social Work won funding from the University's Teaching Development Grant to re-develop their placement practice. The bid document that sets out their aim to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and develop a student-centred approach to placement learning can be found here.
Below is an initial plan outlining the requirements for Social Work from the Mahara system.

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